The women of SFF are bound together in a shared commitment to Jesus Christ and to each other. They create periodic events as a way of encouraging each other through food, fun and the Word of God. "Glory Girls" in an outreach to ladies (and girls) in the community who would be helped by drawing nearer to God while in the fellowship of like minded women. Let Patty know how to reach you.
For more details on this latest "Glory Girls" event use our contact page to call or email. Also check out our church hours and stop by. These and other events throughout the year remain A great way to meet and grow in a more intimate way with other ladies of faith.
(1 Peter 4:11b-c) Whoever serves is to do as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies.
Our "Helps Ministry" was born out of the idea that even the youngest of us are able to aid their neighbors. The "Be the Change" cups were created by the kids themselves are distributed to any who wishes to take them home as a reminder to us to give to those in need. The children are then directly involved in how the Lord's provision is used in support of families or individuals of our community.
(2 Corinthians 9:7) So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver.